Women's Ministry at Denton Church of the Nazarene

“Speak to My Heart, God: For Every Need, for Every Moment...” Kay Arthur

Monday Women's Bible Study
1:30 p.m.

The Women's Bible Study group gathers every Monday at 1:30 pm, from September through May. We welcome all women to join us in the Fellowship Hall Classroom.

Sunday Evening Bible Study 6:30 p.m.

We are excited to announce a new Bible Study starting up. We knew that we needed to offer an additional opportunity for women to gather together and STUDY God's Word. We plan on having the same study going on in both the Monday afternoon and Sunday evening in the future, after we finish this first Sunday night Study. If you are interested in a women's Bible study, this one will be held on Sunday evenings at 630pm at the church in the Fellowship Hall Classroom. The study is called "Jesus and Women" 

This study is well underway.  If you are interested in being notified when the next study will begin, please fill out the form below.

Bible Study Registration Form

Feast Virtual Event

You are invited!

Spend the day digging deeper into Luke chapter 15, as Kristi helps walk us through these parables with a middle eastern lens. A newer way of reading and studying the Bible you may have never done before. Along, with some amazing biblical teaching, we will have the chance to worship together with an amazing Worship leader Lauren Cooksey.  
So, join us for the one-day virtual event as we feast on God's Word in its authentic historical and cultural contexts!!

Saturday March 29, 9am till 4pm. (Lunch to be provided) Cost per ticket $25.00

Learn More & Register

Women's Monday Afternoon Bible Study

On Monday, 16th, the Women's Bible Study held their Christmas lunch. They enjoyed an abundance of food and exchanged gifts. This group of lovely women are genuine and caring. If are available on Monday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:00, you would be warmly welcomed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact by using the contact form on this site or call the office.