Denton Nazarene represents a community of Christians associated with the International Church of the Nazarene.

We welcome you to come along on an amazing journey as we pursue God together

Denton Nazarene is a gathering of Christians affiliated with the International Church of the Nazarene.

We believe in meaningful connections so we strive to make our church a place where people can connect with God, with other believers, with friends, and to their God-given purpose. When you connect in these ways, perspectives change, dreams grow, and lives are forever changed.

No matter where you are in life, you can connect to the life-changing power of God. We welcome you to come along on an amazing journey as we pursue God together

Our Mission

Denton Church of the Nazarene is dedicated to encouraging and equipping believers to fulfill Christ's Great Commandment to LOVE and Christ's Great Commission to Go and Make Disciples!

Alison Lynch

Associate Pastor

    Brad Rogers

    Music Director

      Dan Jones

      Nazarene Discipleship International Chairperson

        Pat Larimore

        Head Trustee

          Faye Collier

          Head Steward

            Steve Moody

            Nazarene Youth International Chairperson